Agenda 2000 and Beyond: Towards a New Common Agricultural and Rural Policy for Europe

CARPE di Allan Buckwell n°3, giugno 1998

Lavoro presentato al Seminario:

ISAD - Accademia dei Georgofili
Società Italiana di Economia Agraria - SIDEA
Associazione "Alessandro Bartola"


"Agenda 2000 e oltre: dalla PAC ad una nuova politica agricola e di sviluppo rurale in Europa"

Firenze, 12 giugno 1998

Note sull’autore: Allan Buckwell
Professore di Economia Agraria, Wye College, University of London, coordinatore presso la Direzione Generale VI (Agricoltura) del Gruppo di lavoro incaricato della stesura del Rapporto: "Towards a Common Agricultural and Rural Policy for Europe", European Economy, n. 5, 1997 il cui Sommario è stato pubblicato in lingua italiana in questa collana


The basis for the ideas contained in this paper are most fully expressed in a report published by DGII of the European Commission in European Economy 1997/5 (Buckwell 1998). This report arose from intensive discussions amongst nine European rural scientists and Commission officials from DGVI which I had the privilege to chair from December 1995 to July 1996. The work, sponsored by DGVI, was to assist the Commission in putting flesh on the bones of its proposed Agricultural Strategy which was presented to the Madrid European Council in December 1995 (Commission, 1995). The Agricultural Strategy paper was an important document. It reviewed the challenges facing the CAP in the new century, in particular, the need for the EU to respect the commitments made in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture and the prospect of EU enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe. The Commission concluded that it would not be possible or desirable to continue with the post-MacSharry CAP, nor to abandon agricultural policy altogether, rather, the recommended strategy was to "continue the 1992 reform process and move towards a more integrated rural policy". The next section of this paper summarises the justification for this conclusion. In section 3 the balance of the elements of what it is suggested should be a more integrated rural policy will be presented and discussed. In section 4 there will be a review of the extent to which Agenda 2000 takes us towards this more integrated rural policy. The final section draws some conclusions.

documento in formato acrobat pdf: agnd2002.pdf (80kb)


  1. Introduction
  2. Why should the cap change to be a more
  3. What is a more integrated rural policy?
  4. To what extent does agenda 2000 take us in this direction?
  5. Conclusions